What do you get when you take an itty, bitty, teeny, tiny hospital room and stick seven people in it all together, to include a brand new beautiful baby girl and her two toddler siblings? You get a whole lot of awesome and lots of love and cuddles and maybe a smidge of chaos. But isn’t that exactly what this time is all about? Siblings meeting their new baby sister and grandma and grandpa visiting from out-of-state and loving on all the little people. It’s tons of activity in a small space but it’s filled with love and excitement and anticipation. Most incredibly this amazing mom was doing this all on her own, with her husband out of the country. She’s pretty much an extreme super hero bad ass and she didn’t even hesitate to get right down on the floor to get up nice and close to the one little ol’ window of light we had to work with. She wasn’t phased in the least and had her two oldest rolling around on the floor with her. Ahem, she had just given birth a few hours before. Super human. Everyone’s birth story is different and some are beautifully peaceful and serene, and some are filled with tons of people (not to mention a photographer lady with her big ol’ camera documenting your every move) and laughs and cries and toy cars and toddler snacks and cuddling on the floor. They are all awesome, each in their own unique way and I’m so crazy grateful to document them all.